Brazil in me


Looking back, I don't really know where to start telling you. So much happened, I saw so many new things and had so many unique experiences. TANTAS COISAS...
But before I really start, I would like to point out that these are my personal impressions, my subjective experiences that I am reporting. I am well aware that I continue to lead a life that is similar to my own in Europe and that at the same time there are very different realities of life in this huge country. The privileges associated with my origin and skin color are particularly palpable to me here, because they are directly linked to the oppression and discrimination of some people. Our prosperity in the global North is largely based on a political-economic system that continues to benefit from the persistence of racist and postcolonial structures.
Likewise, I would like to point out that the "Western view" shaped by my socialization influences my reporting, even if perhaps only subconsciously. However, I will do my best to critically question this and, in accordance with the ideal of intercultural competence, to approach the new with an open mind and without prejudice, without distinguishing between my own and the supposedly foreign, different. Because in a globalized world, unprejudiced encounters at eye level are needed in order to be able to tackle problems together on an international level with mutual more

Autorin: Leah Priesinger

