
Education is diversity

It is the basis for a constructive exchange at the same level. In an increasingly complex world in which judgments are made in haste and there is hardly any time for sustainable learning, (in)formal education is becoming more and more important. Only formal education can teach people to recognize and mentally accept different perspectives. The goal of sustainable education is the ability to deal constructively and critically with a wide range of issues. 

What does this mean for us?

Consequently, the great and complex influence of knowledge and education becomes clear. But education without diversity is meaningless. It is the engine for a successful future. Let's drive and shape this change together. With us, you have the chance to experience global learning and to actively participate. Because change begins with each individual, including you.

Within the framework of our workshops and seminars, we would like to work on this topic in a concrete and action-oriented way. Let's get into exchange and tackle the process of global education.


Our motivation

Every day in your life brings you new experiences. Over time, what you experience becomes your (life's) reality. Appreciate this process, because it is valuable. It shapes your inner attitudes and perspectives.

Especially the exchange with people of different realities offers an exciting learning process. It promotes transcultural competencies in the exchange with others. This can be very instructive and bring you forward in your personal learning process. Our own perception of the world and how we experience it is extremely individual. That is why the exchange is so important, because: Education is diversity!

By promoting mutual exchange, we want to intensify interpersonal ties. Only they make it possible to comprehend other perspectives. And only that does justice to the changes in today's world. This form of exchange drives us!

Gamification in education

Gamification means learning through play in order to increase motivation. Learners are more likely to retain information if they remain excited and interested.

Gamification offers numerous opportunities to earn rewards and good rankings. Because of this, learners can work toward group goals, collaborating as a team within a competitive environment. This encourages the exchange of ideas, discussions, critical thinking, and strategic reflection processes.

Gamification makes learning fun. Because learners would rather engage in an entertaining learning program than a boring one.

Education for sustainable development

The field of education for sustainable development educates people about the impact their own actions will have on future generations. By interacting in a globalized world, it can be challenging to recognize the impact of one's own actions. However, this is a prerequisite for creating a livable future for future generations.

There is a strong consensus that education is a key factor for sustainable development. By promoting exchange, individual and institutional skills are strengthened and anchored in the school and extracurricular spheres.

Three reasons why education is important for strengthening diversity

  • Education is the foundation for taking perspectives
  • It helps us to develop the understanding of other cultures
  • It protects the traditions

Why is ESD necessary?

The prevailing view is that colonialism, as systematic oppression, is a vanquished relic of the past. Today, however, more subtle forms of colonization are found. It is geht um die Kolonialisierung des Wissens, der Philosophie sowie der Intellektualität. To be sure, confronting and coming to terms with the past is part of what it takes to confront pain and historical trauma. Above all, however, it is also important that we break up patterns of thought and action of the present and advance the decolonization of knowledge. Critical education is essential to this. This is done through exchange, networking, and in finding and implementing measures for intervention.

Global learning for increasing decolonization

The term decolonization of knowledge is understood to mean freeing oneself from the monopoly of Western thought. Promoting decolonization can only succeed by opening up to other forms of knowledge. The goal must be to break up the systems of power that promote colonization in South America. All groups must be on board. In concrete terms for Latin America, this means including traditional or indigenous knowledge in the discussion. The indigenous peoples have a long tradition in which a wealth of experience has been gained. This guarantees a very formative experience for future generations. 
